At Park Plaza Pharmacy, we’re your full-service pharmacy for all healthcare needs.
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Enjoy free delivery right to your doorstep.
Check out our wide selection of household products making it easy to get everything you need in one place.
We accept OTC cards and provide fax and copy services.
Visit or call us today!
BRONX, NY 10453

Contact Us
Let Park Plaza Pharmacy help you simplify medication management for your loved one and ensure their optimal health.
Simplify Medication Management for Your Loved One
Compliance Packaging
Ensure your loved one's medication is taken correctly and on time with Park Plaza Pharmacy's convenient compliance packaging. This innovative system eliminates the hassle of sorting pills and eliminates the risk of medication errors.
We offer a full range of immunizations to keep you and your family safe. Protect against preventable diseases with our immunization services. Stay up-to-date on your vaccinations. Walk in anytime to get yours today.